Natural Language Acquisition in Recurrent Neural Architectures
The human brain is one of the most complex dynamic systems that enables us to
communicate (and externalise) information by natural language. Our languages
go far beyond single sounds for expressing intentions in fact, human children
already join discourse by the age of three. It is remarkable that in these first years
they show a tremendous capability in acquiring the language competence from the
interaction with caregivers and their environment. However, our understanding
of the behavioural and mechanistic characteristics for the acquisition of natural
language is as well in its infancy. We have a good understanding of some
principles underlying natural languages and language processing, some insights
about where activity is occurring in the brain, and some knowledge about sociocultural conditions framing the acquisition. Nevertheless, we were not yet able to
discover how the mechanisms in the brain allow us to acquire and process language.
The goal of this thesis is to bridge the gap between the insights from linguistics,
neuroscience, and behavioural psychology, and contribute an understanding of the
appropriate characteristics that favour language acquisition, in a brain-inspired
neural architecture. Accordingly, the thesis provides tools to employ and improve
the developmental robotics approach with respect to speech processing and object
recognition as well as concepts and refinements in cognitive modelling regarding the
gradient descent learning and the hierarchical abstraction of context in plausible
recurrent architectures. On this basis, the thesis demonstrates two consecutive
models for language acquisition from natural interaction of a humanoid robot
with its environment. The first model is able to process speech production over
time embodied in visual perception. This architecture consists of a continuous
time recurrent neural network, where parts of the network have different leakage
characteristics and thus operate on multiple timescales (called MTRNN), and
associative layers that integrate embodied perception into continuous phonetic
utterances. As the most important properties, this model features compositionality
in language acquisition, generalisation in production, and a reasonable robustness.
The second model is capable to learn language production grounded in both,
temporal dynamic somatosensation and temporal dynamic vision. This model
comprises of an MTRNN for every modality and the association of the higher level
nodes of all modalities into cell assemblies. Thus, this model features hierarchical
concept abstraction in sensation as well as concept decomposition in production,
multi-modal integration, and self-organisation of latent representations.
The main contributions to knowledge from the development and study of these
models are as follows: a) general mechanisms on abstracting and self-organising
structures from sensory and motor modalities foster the emergence of language
acquisition; b) timescales in the brains language processing are necessary and
sufficient for compositionality; and c) shared multi-modal representations are
able to integrate novel experience and modulate novel production. The studies in
this thesis can inform important future studies in neuroscience on multi-modal
integration and development in interactive robotics about hierarchical abstraction
in information processing and language understanding.

@PhdThesis{Hei16, author = {Heinrich, Stefan}, title = {Natural Language Acquisition in Recurrent Neural Architectures}, school = {University of Hamburg, Germany}, month = {Mar}, year = {2016} }