A Biologically Inspired Spiking Neural Network for Sound Localisation by the Inferior Colliculus
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN),
Volume 5164/8000,
pages 396--405,
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-87559-8_41
- Aug 2008
We introduce a biologically inspired azimuthal sound localisation system, which simulates the functional organisation of the human
auditory midbrain up to the inferior colliculus (IC). Supported by recent neurophysiological studies on the role of the IC and superior olivary
complex (SOC) in sound processing, our system models two ascending
pathways of the auditory midbrain: the ITD (Interaural Time Difference)
pathway and ILD (Interaural Level Difference) pathway. In our approach
to modelling the ITD pathway, we take into account Yins finding that
only a single delay line exists in the ITD processing from cochlea to
SOC for the ipsilateral ear while multiple delay lines exists for the contralateral ear. The ILD pathway is modelled without varied delay lines
because of neurophysiological evidence that indicates the delays along
that pathway are minimal and constant. Level-locking auditory neurons
are introduced for the ILD pathway network to encode sound amplitude into spike sequence, that are similar to the phase-locking auditory
neurons which encode time information to the ITD pathway. A leaky
integrate-and-fire spiking neural model is adapted to simulate the neurons in the SOC that process ITD and ILD. Experimental results show
that our model performs sound localisation that approaches biological
performance. Our approach brings not only new insight into the brain
mechanism of the auditory system, but also demonstrates a practical
application of sound localisation for mobile robots.

@InProceedings{LEWE08, author = {Liu, Jindong and Erwin, Harry and Wermter, Stefan and Elsaid, M.}, title = {A Biologically Inspired Spiking Neural Network for Sound Localisation by the Inferior Colliculus}, booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)}, editors = {}, number = {}, volume = {5164/8000}, pages = {396--405}, year = {2008}, month = {Aug}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-87559-8_41}, }