Appearance-based localization for mobile robots using digital zoom and visual compass

N. Bellotto , Kevin Burn , E. Fletcher , Stefan Wermter
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Volume 56, Number 2, pages 143--156, - Feb 2008
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This paper describes a localization system for mobile robots moving in dynamic indoor environments, which uses probabilistic integration of visual appearance and odometry information. The approach is based on a novel image matching algorithm for appearancebased place recognition that integrates digital zooming, to extend the area of application, and a visual compass. Ambiguous information used for recognizing places is resolved with multiple hypothesis tracking and a selection procedure inspired by Markov localization. This enables the system to deal with perceptual aliasing or absence of reliable sensor data. It has been implemented on a robot operating in an office scenario and the robustness of the approach demonstrated experimentally.


 	 author =  {Bellotto, N. and Burn, Kevin and Fletcher, E. and Wermter, Stefan},  
 	 title = {Appearance-based localization for mobile robots using digital zoom and visual compass}, 
 	 journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
 	 number = {2},
 	 volume = {56},
 	 pages = {143--156},
 	 year = {2008},
 	 month = {Feb},
 	 publisher = {Elsevier},
 	 doi = {}, 