Temporal Sequence Detection with Spiking Neurons: Towards Recognizing Robot Language Instruction
Connection Science,
Volume 18,
Number 1,
pages 1--22,
doi: 10.1080/09540090500132385
- Mar 2006
We present an approach for recognition and clustering of spatio temporal patterns based on networks of spiking neurons with active dendrites
and dynamic synapses. We introduce a new model of an integrate-andfire neuron with active dendrites and dynamic synapses (ADDS) and its
synaptic plasticity rule. The neuron employs the dynamics of the synapses
and the active properties of the dendrites as an adaptive mechanism for
maximizing its response to a specific spatio-temporal distribution of incoming action potentials. The learning algorithm follows recent biological
evidence on synaptic plasticity. It goes beyond the current computational
approaches which are based only on the relative timing between single preand post-synaptic spikes and implements a functional dependence based
on the state of the dendritic and somatic membrane potentials around
the pre- and post-synaptic action potentials. The learning algorithm is
demonstrated to effectively train the neuron towards a selective response
determined by the spatio-temporal pattern of the onsets of input spike
trains. The model is used in the implementation of a part of a robotic
system for natural language instructions. We test the model with a robot
whose goal is to recognize and execute language instructions. The research
in this article demonstrates the potential of spiking neurons for processing
spatio-temporal patterns and the experiments present spiking neural networks as a paradigm which can be applied for modeling sequence detectors
at word level for robot instructions.
@Article{PW06, author = {Panchev, Christo and Wermter, Stefan}, title = {Temporal Sequence Detection with Spiking Neurons: Towards Recognizing Robot Language Instruction}, journal = {Connection Science}, number = {1}, volume = {18}, pages = {1--22}, year = {2006}, month = {Mar}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, doi = {10.1080/09540090500132385}, }