A Camera-Direction Dependent Visual-Motor Coordinate Transformation for a Visually Guided Neural Robot

Cornelius Weber , David Muse , Mark I. Elshaw , Stefan Wermter
Knowledge-Based Systems Volume 19, Number 5, pages 348--355, doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2005.11.020 - Sep 2006
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Objects of interest are represented in the brain simultaneously in different frames of reference. Knowing the positions of one’s head and eyes, for example, one can compute the body-centred position of an object from its perceived coordinates on the retinae. We propose a simple and fully trained attractor network which computes head-centred coordinates given eye position and a perceived retinal object position. We demonstrate this system on artificial data and then apply it within a fully neurally implemented control system which visually guides a simulated robot to a table for grasping an object. The integrated system has as input a primitive visual system with a what– where pathway which localises the target object in the visual field. The coordinate transform network considers the visually perceived object position and the camera pan-tilt angle and computes the target position in a body-centred frame of reference. This position is used by a reinforcement-trained network to dock a simulated PeopleBot robot at a table for reaching the object. Hence, neurally computing coordinate transformations by an attractor network has biological relevance and technical use for this important class of computations.


 	 author =  {Weber, Cornelius and Muse, David and Elshaw, Mark I. and Wermter, Stefan},  
 	 title = {A Camera-Direction Dependent Visual-Motor Coordinate Transformation for a Visually Guided Neural Robot}, 
 	 journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems},
 	 number = {5},
 	 volume = {19},
 	 pages = {348--355},
 	 year = {2006},
 	 month = {Sep},
 	 publisher = {Elsevier},
 	 doi = {10.1016/j.knosys.2005.11.020}, 