AudioMine: Medical Data Mining in Heterogeneous Audiology Records

Shaun Cox , Michael Philip Oakes , Stefan Wermter , Maurice Hawthorne
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Volume 1, pages 1--12, - Jan 2004
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We report on the results of a pilot study in which a data­mining tool was developed for mining audiology records. The records were heterogeneous in that they contained numeric, category and textual data. The tools developed are designed to observe associations between any field in the records and any other field. The techniques employed were the statistical chi­squared test, and the use of self­organizing maps, an unsupervised neural learning approach.


 	 author =  {Cox, Shaun and Oakes, Michael Philip and Wermter, Stefan and Hawthorne, Maurice},  
 	 title = {AudioMine: Medical Data Mining in Heterogeneous Audiology Records}, 
 	 journal = {International Journal of Computational Intelligence},
 	 number = {},
 	 volume = {1},
 	 pages = {1--12},
 	 year = {2004},
 	 month = {Jan},
 	 publisher = {},
 	 doi = {}, 