Comparing Support Vector Machines, Recurrent Networks and Finite State Transducers for Classifying Spoken Utterances

Sheila Garfield , Stefan Wermter
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks pages 646--653, - Jun 2003
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This paper describes new experiments for the classification of recorded operator assistance telephone utterances. The experimental work focused on three techniques: support vector machines (SVM), simple recurrent networks (SRN) and finite-state transducers (FST) using a large, unique telecommunication corpus of spontaneous spoken language. A comparison is made of the performance of these classification techniques which indicates that a simple recurrent network performed best for learning classification of spontaneous spoken language in a robust manner which should lead to their use in helpdesk call routing.


 	 author =  {Garfield, Sheila and Wermter, Stefan},  
 	 title = {Comparing Support Vector Machines, Recurrent Networks and Finite State Transducers for Classifying Spoken Utterances}, 
 	 booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks},
 	 number = {},
 	 volume = {},
 	 pages = {646--653},
 	 year = {2003},
 	 month = {Jun},
 	 publisher = {Springer},
 	 doi = {}, 