Multilayer Perceptrons and Radial Basis Function Networks for Corrosion Monitoring
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
pages 77--81,
- Sep 2001
Developing a model of aqueous corrosion of metal has
proven to be a complex and intractable problem.
Although the electro-chemistry of the exchange of
electrons is well documented, the influence of other
factors such as changes in water temperature, oxygen
levels, and the levels of pH and alkalinity on the
corrosion process are less well understood. As yet
there is no model which adequately explains this
interaction, because of the extreme non-linearity of the
problem. One method of achieving this is through the
use of artificial neural networks which are well
established as a means of mapping complex non-linear
relationships onto a desired output. However the best
architecture for the extrapolation of data is very
problem dependant. Because of the high dimensionality
of the data sets, we have compared and contrasted two
methods for eliminating highly correlated data sets.
Our claim is that accurate regression modeling on such
a complex problem can best be achieved using radial
basis function networks, which have demonstrated a
superiority over multi layer perceptrons for modeling
highly non-linear problem surfaces, combined with
genetic algorithms as an initial pre-processing step.

@InProceedings{AWM01, author = {Addison, J. F. Dale and Wermter, Stefan and MacIntyre, J.}, title = {Multilayer Perceptrons and Radial Basis Function Networks for Corrosion Monitoring}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, editors = {}, number = {}, volume = {}, pages = {77--81}, year = {2001}, month = {Sep}, publisher = {}, doi = {}, }