Attention modeled as information in learning multisensory integration
Neural Networks,
Volume 65,
pages 44--52,
doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2015.01.004
- May 2015

Top-down cognitive processes affect the way bottom-up cross-sensory stimuli are integrated. In this
paper, we therefore extend a successful previous neural network model of learning multisensory integration in the superior colliculus (SC) by top-down, attentional input and train it on different classes of
cross-modal stimuli. The network not only learns to integrate cross-modal stimuli, but the model also
reproduces neurons specializing in different combinations of modalities as well as behavioral and neurophysiological phenomena associated with spatial and feature-based attention. Importantly, we do not
provide the model with any information about which input neurons are sensory and which are attentional. If the basic mechanisms of our model self-organized learning of input statistics and divisive normalization play a major role in the ontogenesis of the SC, then this work shows that these mechanisms
suffice to explain a wide range of aspects both of bottom-up multisensory integration and the top-down
influence on multisensory integration.

@Article{BMW15, author = {Bauer, Johannes and Magg, Sven and Wermter, Stefan}, title = {Attention modeled as information in learning multisensory integration}, journal = {Neural Networks}, number = {}, volume = {65}, pages = {44--52}, year = {2015}, month = {May}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.neunet.2015.01.004}, }