A Survey of Question Answering in Natural Language Processing
Computer Models and Technology in Media Research,
Editors: Zwaan, R. A.; Meutsch, D.,
- 1990
This paper surveys the different basic approaches of Question Answering (QA) used over the last
two decades. Our goal is not to give an exhaustive overview of QA-systems, but to capture the
main trends and developments, the progress being made, and some of the problems still
remaining. QA-systems are classified as procedural QA-systems, conceptual QA-systems, and
logic-based QA-systems. Procedural QA-systems belong to the earliest attempts to model question
answering by attaching specific procedures to words. Conceptual systems emphasize the aspect of
meaning representation of questions, memory, and answers. Logic-based systems use logic
predicates to represent knowledge for question answering. General issues of noun phrase disambiguation, variability, and cooperative behavior are described as examples of problems during
question analysis, answer generation, and user modeling. Uniform knowledge representations,
logic representations, dictionaries, and transportability are identified as current trends in question answering.

@InCollection{WL90, author = {Wermter, Stefan and Lehnert, W.}, title = {A Survey of Question Answering in Natural Language Processing}, booktitle = {Computer Models and Technology in Media Research}, editors = {Zwaan, R. A.; Meutsch, D.}, number = {}, volume = {}, pages = {}, year = {1990}, month = {}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {}, }