Emergence of modularity within one sheet of neurons: a model comparison

Cornelius Weber , Klaus Obermayer
Number LNAI 2036, pages 53--67, doi: 10.1007/3-540-44597-8_4 - 2001
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We investigate how structured information processing within a neural net can emerge as a result of unsupervised learning from data. The model consists of input neurons and hidden neurons which are re- currently connected. On the basis of a maximum likelihood framework the task is to reconstruct given input data using the code of the hid- den units. Hidden neurons are fully connected and they may code on different hierarchical levels. The hidden neurons are separated into two groups by their intrinsic parameters which control their firing properties. These differential properties encourage the two groups to code on two different hierarchical levels. We train the net using data which are either generated by two linear models acting in parallel or by a hierarchical process. As a result of training the net captures the structure of the data generation process. Simulations were performed with two different neu- ral network models, both trained to be maximum likelihood predictors of the training data. A (non-linear) hierarchical Kalman filter model and a Helmholtz machine. Here we compare both models to the neural cir- cuitry in the cortex. The results imply that the division of the cortex into laterally and hierarchically organized areas can evolve to a certain degree as an adaptation to the environment.


 	 author =  {Weber, Cornelius and Obermayer, Klaus},  
 	 title = {Emergence of modularity within one sheet of neurons: a model comparison}, 
 	 number = {LNAI 2036},
 	 volume = {},
 	 pages = {53--67},
 	 year = {2001},
 	 month = {},
 	 publisher = {Springer},
 	 doi = {10.1007/3-540-44597-8_4}, 