Towards Effective Classification of Imbalanced Data with Convolutional Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition,
- Sep 2016
Class imbalance in machine learning is a problem often found
with real-world data, where data from one class clearly dominates the
dataset. Most neural network classifiers fail to learn to classify such
datasets correctly if class-to-class separability is poor due to a strong
bias towards the majority class. In this paper we present an algorithmic
solution, integrating different methods into a novel approach using a class-
to-class separability score, to increase performance on poorly separable,
imbalanced datasets using Cost Sensitive Neural Networks. We compare
different cost functions and methods that can be used for training Convo-
lutional Neural Networks on a highly imbalanced dataset of multi-channel
time series data. Results show that, despite being imbalanced and poorly
separable, performance metrics such as G-Mean as high as 92.8% could
be reached by using cost sensitive Convolutional Neural Networks to
detect patterns and correctly classify time series from 3 different datasets.
@InProceedings{RMW16, author = {Raj, Vidwath and Magg, Sven and Wermter, Stefan}, title = {Towards Effective Classification of Imbalanced Data with Convolutional Neural Networks}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition}, editors = {}, number = {}, volume = {}, pages = {}, year = {2016}, month = {Sep}, publisher = {Springer, Cham}, doi = {}, }