Exercise with Social Robots: Companion or Coach?
Proceedings of Workshop on Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching at the HRI 2018 (HRI2018),
Editors: Sebastian Schneider, Sascha Griffiths, Carlos A. Cifuentes G., Stefan Wermter, Britte Wrede,
- Mar 2018
In this paper, we investigate the roles that social robots can take
in physical exercise with human partners. In related work, robots
or virtual intelligent agents take the role of a coach or instructor whereas in other approaches they are used as motivational
aids. These are two paradigms, so to speak, within the small but
growing area of robots for social exercise. We designed an online
questionnaire to test whether the preferred role in which people
want to see robots would be the companion or the coach. The questionnaire asks people to imagine working out with a robot with
the help of three utilized questionnaires: (1) CART-Q which is used
for judging coach-athlete relationships, (2) the mind perception
questionnaire and (3) the System Usability Scale (SUS). We present
the methodology, some preliminary results as well as our intended
future work on personal robots for coaching.

@InProceedings{GASKESW18, author = {Griffiths, Sascha and Alpay, Tayfun and Sutherland, Alexander and Kerzel, Matthias and Eppe, Manfred and Strahl, Erik and Wermter, Stefan}, title = {Exercise with Social Robots: Companion or Coach?}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching at the HRI 2018 (HRI2018)}, editors = {Sebastian Schneider, Sascha Griffiths, Carlos A. Cifuentes G., Stefan Wermter, Britte Wrede}, number = {}, volume = {}, pages = {}, year = {2018}, month = {Mar}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {}, }